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A guide for parents, educators, and helping professionals I walked into my 11-year-old’s room to find him using an electronic device in a way that went against our family agreement. I can’t remember if he had been on it too long or downloaded an app he wasn’t supposed to, but I know I felt a […]

Difficult Conversations

Screen Time: From Conflict to Cooperation

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I will admit, I used to think of that middle Monday in January as just a bonus 3-day weekend, something to break up the post-holiday blues, but it’s so much more! It’s more than “I have a dream…” It’s more than hope for a better tomorrow. It’s more than peace and love and being kind […]

Difficult Conversations

This day is more than “I have a dream…”

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It happened again. There was yellow just sitting there “mellowing” in the toilet. And yep, some sprinkles on the seat just to add insult to injury. I am so tired of my children forgetting to flush!! If I’m honest, my fear brain started to kick in. And it’s been doing it a lot lately.  Here’s […]

Difficult Conversations

What to do when fear brain kicks in as a parent

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Here’s the magic of understanding our senses. Joe (real person but not his real name) was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and was in counseling by age 6. Over the next 3 years, various psychologists and therapists taught him and his parents every tool they had to help calm his anxiety and reduce his meltdowns. […]

Difficult Conversations

From stuck and suicidal to feeling safe and in control

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