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Even the ones who REALLY push your buttons! Relationships are inextricably linked to learning. Sure, you might say, but what kind of relationship can I have with a student who just seems grumpy all the time? What do I do when a kid seems to be pushing me away? We all know that feeling where […]

For Educators

6 Ways to Connect with Students…

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A true story of rupture and repair One of my boys had been rude to me on and off all afternoon. To be fair, it was mostly concentrated from 6-8pm. I thought it might boil over when he took the taco shell – the only one I had – OFF MY PLATE even though he […]

Big Feelings

Just brush your damn teeth

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It happened again. There was yellow just sitting there “mellowing” in the toilet. And yep, some sprinkles on the seat just to add insult to injury. I am so tired of my children forgetting to flush!! If I’m honest, my fear brain started to kick in. And it’s been doing it a lot lately.  Here’s […]

Difficult Conversations

What to do when fear brain kicks in as a parent

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