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Students learn better when their brains are not clouded by worries. Our minds can’t attend to very many things at once. When kids are preoccupied by tough stuff happening outside of school, friend struggles, or other worries, there’s not much room for math facts and grammar lessons. That’s a topic I explore in the first […]

For Educators

Bright Thought Bookmarks

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How learning about sensory processing changed… everything. My brilliant little 4-year-old son was asked to draw a house at preschool and burst into tears. Bursting into tears was a common occurrence for him, as was picky eating, complaining about jeans and shirt tags, banging into things, difficulty transitioning from one task to the next, slouching […]

Big Feelings

Making Sense of Meltdowns

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I am so excited to welcome Ginger Healy to the “Healers and Cycle Breakers” blog to share some support for that ever-elusive skill: regulation. Ginger has been a friend and colleague for years. She is currently the program director for the Attachment and Trauma Network, which is responsible for the wonderful Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference. She […]

For Educators

Tools for Teaching (& Feeling) Self-Regulation in the Classroom

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