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A Parent’s Guide to Tiger Moments Angry outbursts can do serious harm. Hitting, breaking a sibling’s toy, yelling at the teacher…these behaviors do more than just hurt people in the moment. Explosive behavior can cause lasting damage in relationships and perpetuate even more feelings of anger (and shame). So it makes sense that parents, teachers, […]

Big Feelings

Unpacking Anger

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How learning about sensory processing changed… everything. My brilliant little 4-year-old son was asked to draw a house at preschool and burst into tears. Bursting into tears was a common occurrence for him, as was picky eating, complaining about jeans and shirt tags, banging into things, difficulty transitioning from one task to the next, slouching […]

Big Feelings

Making Sense of Meltdowns

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A note to all who feel empty inside There’s a lot of talk in the mental health community about holding space. To “hold space” for someone involves listening or being present in a nonjudgmental way. The goal is to help someone feel seen and heard.  The term is appealing with its imagery. When I am […]

Big Feelings

Holding Space

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Book launch edition I love my job. I get to help lots of humans with big, human things. But sometimes my downstairs brain gets loud. Last month marked my eighth time (what!!??? How can that be?) sharing a precious book baby of mine out into the world, and I have noticed some patterns. 2-3 months […]

Big Feelings

A peek inside my (downstairs) brain

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