Anyone else thinking about this??
With all that is going on in the world, and in this age of instant information access and excessive media, I am trying to get really concrete about what is (and is not) in my control.
I CANNOT have perfect self-control all the time.
- Check in with myself before and after high stress situations.
- Notice if I am hungry, angry, lonely, or tired and H.A.L.T. before I do something I will regret.
- Take 10 seconds to regulate my nervous system with a deep breath, shoulder drop, head scratch, or posture shift.
- Apologize and repair when I mess up.
The brain develops patterns when we are chronically stressed that can be hard to break out of. Help your brain and body shift.
Take a deep breath in and a looooong breath out.

I CANNOT feel happy all the time.
- Notice and name my feelings.
- Get some physical activity to relieve some stress.
- Grieve.
- Pray.
- Notice my self-talk.
- Respond to myself like a wise friend instead of a harsh critic.
- Ask for a hug or get a good snuggle.
- Practice gratitude.
- Limit social media intake and negativity.
- Reach out for help when I am feeling down.
Breathe in deeply.
Breathe out slowly.
Let the corners of your mouth turn up in a gentle smile
As you take a few more deep breaths, repeat after me:
- I will focus on what is in my control.
- I am strong and capable.
- I can change my brain.
- I am not alone.
Choose one thing you CAN control today to nurture your brain.
I’m so glad we’re in this together!